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You're never just a visitor, You're Family

No matter your journey or background, we are a community built on hope, help and healing. Come connect with us, discover our shared values, and experience the heartbeat of our faith family.

People praying together
People dancing with joy at Rhema Bible Church

Have you ever made Jesus
the Lord and Savior of your life?

If not, pray this prayer and start a new life in Christ

Dear God,

I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I admit that I am not right with You, and I want to be right with You. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. The Bible says if I confess with my mouth that “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will be saved (Rom. 10:9). I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank You for saving me!
In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer for the first time, we would like to know.  Click on the button to send us an e-mail or share your testimony.

Our Campus Map

Discover the heart of our community!

Hover over the dots on the map below to navigate our campus buildings.

Student Development Center I (SDC-1) Rhema Church Auditorium (RCA) Student Development Center II (SDC-2) Rooker Memorial Auditorium (RMA) Administration Building (Admin) Ninowski Recreation Center (NRC) Prayer Center (PC) Children's Activity Center (CAC) Multipurpose Activity Center (MAC) Library Maintenance Building Student Housing Fellowship Activity Center FAC We Care Center Rhema Park Rhema Campus Map

Frequently Asked Questions

We are located on 71st (Kenosha) between 145th (Aspen) and 161st (Elm) in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Our address is 1025 W. Kenosha St., Broken Arrow, OK 74012. Click here for directions.

At Rhema, you come as you are. You will see members in suits and dresses as well as jeans and T-shirts. Wednesday night is Hour of Power (in by 7, out by 8) and is casual dress even for the pastoral staff.

It would be easier to say who doesn’t. We have young and old, single and married, those with and without children, and a diversity of races. The majority of our members are families with children and teenagers, but there is also a large group of young marrieds and singles of all ages.

First-time guests have special reserved parking, which is clearly marked by a banner as you pull onto the Rhema campus from Kenosha (71st Street).
All School of the Bible classes begin at 9 a.m. and are located in SDC 2 or the church building. The Sunday morning service starts at 10 a.m. in the Rhema Bible Church Auditorium. Our friendly ushers and greeters are at nearly every entrance to direct you to where you need to go.

We are not a student church, although the majority of students attending Rhema Bible Training College do attend Rhema Bible Church. The students add to the diversity of the church as they come from across the United States and around the world.

Easily. We have LINK teams that meet regularly for people who share common interests. Currently we have different LINK teams, ranging from board games and book clubs to disc golf and quilting. And if we don’t have a LINK team you’re interested in, you can start one!

We celebrate Communion the first Sunday morning of every month.

Yes. We do each of these a few times a year as the need arises. Announcements are made for each in the church bulletin.

Lost and found is located in the North Lobby Information Booth.
We have contemporary praise and worship that lasts from 20–30 minutes.
You can have your baby in service with you or take advantage of our nursery system, which is clearly marked in the North and East hallways of the church. If your baby needs you during the service, we will page you on the pager that is provided to you when you drop your little one off that morning.
We have a vibrant children’s auditorium for your kindergarten through 5th grade children to enjoy. Before service starts, they can pass the time playing video games and then enjoy interactive, kid-focused Bible lessons teaching them the basics of God’s Word.
We have School of the Bible for youth on Sunday mornings at 9 before the main service. Your pre-teens and teens are taught about issues they deal with on a daily basis from a biblical perspective. On Wednesday nights at 6:30, Rhema Youth has their own service with high-energy praise and worship, relevant Bible-based messages, small groups, and opportunities to get involved. There is also a café, video games, and pool tables to enjoy before and after service.
Not only do we have policies and procedures in place, but we also do a background check on everyone who works with children and youth. Our volunteers are trained and love working with children and youth to help them grow in their walk with God.
Si, tenemos intérpretes de español disponibles en todos los servicios. Venga a la cabina de sonido en la parte de atrás del santuario al menos 15 minutos antes de cualquier servicio para recoger un aparato de sonido inalámbrico. Yes, we have Spanish interpreters available at every service. Come to the Sound Booth in the back of the sanctuary at least 15 minutes prior to any service to check out a wireless hearing device.
Yes. There is plenty of reserved parking around each building on campus, including the church. The auditorium has seating available specifically for wheelchairs, handicap accessible restrooms, and elevators.
Yes. It is located in the northeast corner of the church.

The bookstore is open

  • 30 minutes before and after each service
  • 9m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Who we are